Psychotherapy services involve the face-to-face treatment of mental health illness(es) through the psychological or interpersonal methods directed to accomplish measurable goals. Our emphasis is on cultural diversity and culturally sensitive services.
Diagnostic Assessments and other psychological evaluations are available.
Therapy sessions are offered for: Individuals, couples, families and groups.
Intensive [In-Home] Therapy Services (ITS) is available for families whose children are experiencing social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties and need more intensive services to increase stability across settings and help prevent out of home placement.​ Therapists collaborate with parents in the home setting to improve family functioning and help children develop strategies that will enable them to live successfully at home and in the community. The program focuses on the strengths and abilities of the family. ITS presents a non-threatening approach to the family: Lowers stress and family conflict, reduces the change of out-of-home placement whenever possible and appropriate, provides skills training, parenting techniques, conflict resolution, stress management and communication, educates the family regarding the child's mental health issues and needs, and links the family to community services. ITS is a voluntary, culturally sensitive program designed to empower youth with severe emotional disturbances and their families to address their concerns through therapeutic interventions in their home, and requires active parental involvement.
Life Skills Training is seen as part of the total supportive/treatment services provided to the child and family. Therapeutic and educational interventions are provided to youths with emotional disturbance (ED) or severe emotional disturbance (SED). This involves working with children and their families in the community to enable children to maintain and improve emotional and behavioral functioning. Staff typically meets with clients up to two times a week, mostly in the afternoon and evenings.
Life Skills Training is defined as a 1:1 relationship between an adult and a child that is designed to provide a positive role model, build on the strengths of the youth, reinforce positive behaviors, assist in practicing new positive habits, provide connections and links to community based activities, be a support figure in the life of the youth and provide strength based advocacy for the youth.
Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is a family-based prevention and intervention program for high-risk youth that addresses complex and multidimensional problems through clinical practice that is flexibly structured and culturally sensitive. The FFT clinical model concentrates on decreasing risk factors and on increasing protective factors that directly affect adolescents, with a particular emphasis on familial factors.
The program is for at-risk youths ages 11 to 18 and has been applied in a variety of multiethnic, multicultural contexts to treat a range of youths and their families. Targeted youths generally are at risk for delinquency, violence, substance use, or other behavioral problems such as Conduct Disorder or Oppositional Defiant Disorder.
FFT integrates several elements (clinical theory, empirically supported principles, and clinical experience) into a comprehensive clinical model. The model has five specific phases: engagement, motivation, relational assessment, behavior change, and generalization.
School-Linked Mental Health is a program, in which, Metro Social Services, Inc. places a clinical mental health provider at a community school to provide therapeutic services to students who have mental health diagnosis. The school based therapist is a valuable resource for the school and meets regularly with school personnel to consult and collaborate on the coordination of treatment and the needs of students.
The school based therapist works with all students who quality for mental health services. They do not need to be receiving special education services or have "Individual Education Plan (IEP)". Guardian involvement is encouraged and recommended.
Shool staff may make a referral to the therapist upon approval from the child's parents or legal guardian. Services are intended for students who have been unable to access mental health resources, and requires a face-to-face intake meeting to complete the intake and assessment process.
Project Assist is a mental health service for children who may have severe emotional disturbances that impair functioning across multiple, environmental settings. Identified children are primarily referred by probation, Ramsey County Crisis Team, and Children's Protective Services - through Ramsey County.
Services provided include a Diagnostic Assessment and/or Psychological Evaluation to determine the child's mental health concerns and areas of needs; And "Wraparound Services" for short-term and any ongoing mental health services, and help families connect to additional resources within the community.
This service is focused on providing support, coordination and ensuring client access to needed services. Our goal is to provide culturally appropriate services to empower individuals to maintain and increase independent living.
Our Children's Mental Health Case Managers work with children with serious and emotional disturbance and adults with serious and persistent mental illnesses to gain access to needed medical, housing, social, educational, financial, vocational and other services necessary to meet their mental health needs.
The case management team members typically see their clients on a monthly basis or more frequently if needed.
Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS) support clients in learning skills in the community. The goals of the ARMHS program are to support, assist, instruct, and/or educate clients in strengthening basic social and living skills essential to fostering mental health recovery and managing the demands of independent, community-based living.
An eligible recipient is an individual who: is age 18 or older; is diagnosed with a medical condition, such as mental illness or traumatic brain injury, and rehabilitative services are needed. ARMHS services are provided by mental health professionals, mental health practitioners, and mental health rehabilitation workers who are trained and experienced in providing treatment to adults with mental illness.
Adult mental health targeted case management (AMH-TCM) services help adults ages 18 and older with serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) gain access to medical, social, educational, vocational and other necessary services connected to the person’s mental health needs.
Targeted case management (TCM) services include developing a functional assessment (FA) and individual community support plan (ICSP) for an adult and an individual family community support plan (IFCSP), referring and linking the person to mental health and other services, ensuring coordination of services, and monitoring the delivery of services.